About Bad Choices Make Good Stories

Oliver, a hacker living in Germany, meets Donna online. She’s an American girl living in New York. After chatting and talking on the phone for months, he finally decides to surprise her with a visit. But he soon finds out that things are not what they appeared to be, and that this visit will change his life forever.

Great book! I couldn’t put it down.”

Eric “Butters” Stough, Emmy-winning producer of South Park

Bad Choices Make Good Stories: Going to New York – Chapter 1 – Prostitution

Bad Choices Make Good Stories: Going to New York – Chapter 2 – The Wonderful World of Hacking

Bad Choices Make Good Stories: Going to New York – Chapter 3 – Sex and Crime

“A must read. One of those rare books that sucks you in from the first to the last page.”

★★★★★ Amazon Review

Subscribers can read the book or listen to the audiobook right here on Substack: Bad Choices Make Good Stories: Going to New York

The Sequel: The Heroin Scene in Fort Myers

Oliver moves from New York to Florida. Battling with depression, he gets sucked into the seedy underworld of Fort Myers, where he encounters a number of female drug addicts. He empathizes with them because of his own traumatic past. Oliver feels compelled to try to help them escape the addict lifestyle, but learns the hard way that he is in way over his head.

“A truly fascinating and unexpected look at the darker side of addiction.”

★★★★★ A. Allyson, Goodreads

The Conclusion: Finding Happiness in Los Angeles

After writing a book about his bizarre adventures in America’s underbelly, Oliver finally finds love among his readers on Goodreads.

If you’re a fan of Dave Chappelle or John Oliver, you’ll love this book.

“I think it will become a standard for people who are dealing with loved ones struggling with addictions.”

★★★★★ Amazon Review

This post first appeared on Malloy.rocks

Subscribe to Bad Choices Make Good Stories

"Great book! I couldn’t put it down." - Eric “Butters” Stough, Emmy-winning producer of South Park. Subscribers can read the book or listen to the audiobook right here on Substack.


Writer and Cartoonist. Creator of Introvert Comics and AI Comic. Author of Bad Choices Make Good Stories and a few other books.
I like weird stuff.
Trump is a traitor and needs to go to prison.