Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Absolutely great article! I've been saying this for decades. Current AI is weak, but new tech is coming soon to complete the revolution. A Guaranteed Annual Income is a necessity if capitalism is to continue. Well done!

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Thanks Barry! I'm glad you like it!

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Why on earth would anyone want a continuation of the exponentially increasing wealth divide?

Humanity is already not the consumer-beneficiary. We are the substrate from which AI is made.

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yes, the wealthy need to provide the funds for the Annual Income. You are right - this can't continue.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

“Sutton’s Law” 😏

But the problem is that banks don’t give away anything unless you commit to and can prove that you can and will pay them back with usury.

UGI is desirable and consistent with being a Christian nation, or a fair one, but inconsistent with capitalism.

Or, in brief, “them as has, gets”, will prevail with AI rise, in spades.

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I hear you, and as you say, this will not be capitalism as we currently know it. This will be another revolution.

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Good one I enjoyed that very much!

I guess we’ll get to sleep longer and the state will pay us for that!

Good grief!

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Thanks Roadwarrior! I'm glad you liked it!

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18 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

If I'm understanding this correctly AI would have read my son's imaging correctly, instead of the incompetent ass that missed the cancer, and now my son is dead. Is that about right?

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Jul 2Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

We already live in a post-capitalist society.

Economic oligopoly is the current global model, with the 200 largest global corporations producing 80% of all worldwide GDP. The other 99.9% of people working outside these huge oligopolistic corporations (i.e. in the dying laissez-faire capital economy), you and 99.9% of the rest of the world population chasing that tiny 20% of world GDP.

If your work isn’t in the supply chain or distribution chain of one of these large titans, you are screwed. Think Saudi AramCo, Exxon, Apple, NVidea and Google.

Oh. And just when you thought oligarchs and AI were going to leave you powerless economically, just watch what Quantum Computing is going to do. The countries with Quantum Supremacy will absolutely control the world economy.

Lassiez Faire Capitalism is already dead.

Oligopoly + AI + Quantum Computing is the winner.


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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yeh, and we ain’t seen nut’n yet!

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Have I lived 74 years to see us be replaced by robots? This is not good!

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

And the Republicans are forcing women to have lots of babies. They’re stupid asses who think they’ve solved a problem for the oligarchic masters.

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

It will wind up like the movie Elysium or Terminator(x)

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

AI is already revolutionizing the visual arts…software like Midjourney can “create” images that are virtually indistinguishable from camera-made…

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My friend from way back, Doug Lain, wrote a book about The Singularity. You may enjoy reading it.


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Suspect what is inevitable is mass poverty and violence in former middle class societies.

UBI would be a constructive and foresightful intervention to the coming crisis, but no oligarchy relinquishes power voluntarily- and guess who will own and direct the AI bots during the coming conflict?

If we ever hope to depose the wealthy autocracy, the time is ripe.

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Yeah not seeing why billionaires will voluntarily part with their cash. It will have to be pried from them as it was in FDR's time. But we have no modern FDR or enough intelligent voters to make it happen

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Bit optimistic, call me when the Robespierre AI is here, and his friend the auto-guillotine arrives.

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Yes, robots don't go on vacation nor do they ask for raises. They also don't spend money. And there's no guarantee that we will get UBI.

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It would be cheaper to just let us starve, drown, whatever

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Yep. That's why UBI ain't happening.

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There will be no universal basic income. There will be massive poverty. Enjoy your Armageddon, tech bros. Oh, and good luck with that nurse shortage.

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An interesting if unquestioning perspective on AI.

An even more interesting perspective I think from last year asked AI to create images of a person.

The images created tended to be dour, hostile, and sinister.

Why? The AI had no human filter for Negative concepts of people. It had no bias toward positive relational outcomes.

Put simply, AI took everything it had learned about people — which was everything – and produced an unvarnished unfiltered result which most of us in relationships recognized as raw and infantile.

I think that was the more interesting take.

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