Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

The plain truth is that this moronic orange clown has numerous treasonous and despicable supporters and enablers within our own government who will help to facilitate and encourage insurrection and chaos by his dim-witted legions of goons. tramp, and nutanyahoo, are modern-day hitlers and should be dealt with as such.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

How did we get to these people wanting to blow themselves up for Trump! Omg-you are right! Social media sucks!

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

A guy blew himself & an ATT & T service center up about 2 years ago. They're uncivilized apes.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Thanks for that first video. Very interesting to see the possible different scenarios.

Did that MAGA guy actually off himself? Darwin Award contestant for sure.

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No, the police stopped him before he could do any harm to himself or others:

Man who threatened to detonate bomb near US Capitol pleads guilty


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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Glad that he didn’t hurt anybody.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

They're TERRORISTS, a bigger threat than " The Axis of Evil ".

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

One neighbor said this is simply zero-sum capitalism in a new disguise. Winner take all or nothing.

I have to think about that, thanks for the additional food for thought.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Cheating, stealing, lying —it's all he knows how to do!

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Jun 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Again, Trump himself is responsible for that attitude in no small measure. Of course he has the power to talk these people down. But of course he won't, being the criminal jackass he is. He'll just play innocent, and enjoy.

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Jun 29Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Actually I don't think there will be a civil war over Trump if he does not get reelected. He and and his MAGA leaders are or will be headed to prison. MAGAloons will goback to the woods, and hopefully take a civics course. If he cheats to win.. project 2025, all bets are off.

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Jun 28Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

As someone who lives in a pro-Trump town, this is terrifying. But totally unsurprising.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I think people are desperate for love and will do anything for it or what they think its is, when they are desperate, desperate things happen. We need to face a lot of broken things within us as a culture. I sincerely hope we get the chance. I appreciate your columns.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

WE MUST ACT! It's not enough for Democratic voters in blue states to exclaim "Vote Blue" and pat one another on the back. Due to the Electoral College, sadly, many of our blue votes won't matter. We need to get swing states to vote for Biden. https://www.focus4democracy.org/ has a plan to educate undecided voters on why they must vote Blue to protect our democracy. They're focused on swing states. F4D is composed of a dozen or so seasoned campaign messaging experts (combined, they have many decades of experience) who can calculate the effects of different campaign messages on voting outcomes. I'm now donating to their programs (rather than random Democratic candidates). Even people who can't afford to donate can forward the info to everyone they know. Too many people feel hopeless and aren't doing anything. WE MUST TAKE ACTION. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency. I've got a list of nearly 200 friends, acquaintances, and colleagues I'm emailing about this. Will folks here join me? I'm waiting for a show of hands.

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Jun 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Part of me thinks that he's talking out of his ass, making childish threats, the other part thinks we should take him & his band of CHUDs / troglodytes seriously.

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After last night’s performance by Biden, Trump may not have to bother stealing it. The debate was one colossal clusterf*ck!

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