Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Was there ever a scrap of doubt that this douchebag was a bigoted, sociopathic piece of shit? Never in my mind.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

No, never. I have tolerated the stupid people who follow Trump, kept quiet, NO MORE!

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Not for a second.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

The stupid, ignorant people doing the Nazi salute never fought a war. They probably don’t have a relationship with any relatives that could explain how disgustingly cruel Hitler was, and why we fought against him.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Every time I hear this stupidity, I want to reach out and slap the ever loving hell out of people 😤

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It would b nice 2 slap orange man instead, for saying that. But it's ok, someone will do it someday, I hope for a photo 2.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Trump is so far gone now. In a weeks time, he won’t be able to string together sentences that aren’t about batteries, sharks , windmills and Hannibal Lecter. These will become his debate points.

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Jun 20Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

It’s always a good day to punch a Nazi.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Well THIS time around I am choosing the soft spoken truth telling white guy and not the Bloviating racist orange guy.

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Jun 22Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

Trump was not a “real estate tycoon”. His father gave him $450+ million dollars to let him stay a float. His “Star status” on the Apprentice was extremely questionable as his ghost writer (The of Deal) has detailed in his subsequent interviews.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Lunatics, all. Not one in that audience has two brain cells to rub together. They are truly living in fairy tale fantasyland inside their heads.

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

I never listen to him speak so I somehow missed him saying this!!! Ughhhhhhhhhhh it's all there for all to see. 😩

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Jun 21Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

That spells it out quite clearly, and he only uses Ks…

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That's a fake video. Obviously.

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No it's not fake. Google it.

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Partisan politics will be the death of this Republic


I will not be voting for any Republican or Democrat in this next "election"

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Is it because you're a Russian troll and "both sides are the same" is a Russian propaganda talking point?

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“Russian propaganda” I am not now nor have I ever been a Communist.

Be advised that the two allegedly opposing camps, the Fascist & Communist BOTH are for heavy control of the working class, the real spectrum is NOT “left”vs”right” its about FREEDOM vs Control Freaks

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Russia is not communist. Putin is the biggest capitalist robber baron on the planet. He's richer than Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates combined. Even Elon Musk said Putin is the richest man on the planet.

And the opposite of authoritarianism is liberalism, which is why dictators like Trump and Putin employ an army of propaganda trolls to demonize liberalism.


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the alleged battle between Conservatives & Liberals = DIVIDE & CONQUER

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

So I guess we just shouldn't vote at all and let Putin's stooge Trump win, amirite Sergey?

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We should contest the “election” in that allegedly its a given that either a Democrat or Republican will be selected, however that constitutes a closed club, & in violation of ( if not the letter, the spirit ) the CONSTITUTION.

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

That’s a very poor decision. Your options are:

An insane, demented Nazi and convicted felon.

A statesman with 50 years of service, experience, and leadership.

What is so difficult with these choices that you decide an “I’m not voting tantrum” is a decision worthy of announcing.

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Don’t sit it out and don’t write in a “third party “ not voting WILL be the death of this country as a democratic republic!

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