11 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

We watched Trump and Vance accuse Haitians of being savages, demonizing them and calling them pet eaters. This stems ONLY from a place of racism.

Stories like this one, are entering the disinformation space and being amplified for the purpose of getting people to be suspicious of non whites and immigrants.

Trump's racism in his blathering lies about immigration is so blatant. The racism of that man has no boundaries. Deranged and dangerous!

"Haitians eating pets" is Trump's new caravan bullsh*t story.

How about wearing this "Keep the immigrants, deport the racists" shirt in front of racists? 👇


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11 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Being a MAGA means you can lie with abandon "and they let you do it" as Trump would say on another topic... No harm no foul, said the white male supremacist guy.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Beyond the racism I think Trump and Vance are being so mean and harsh about Springfield because Trump got laughed at around the world when he made his comments at the debate. The last time Trump got laughed at he ran for President and this time he’s taking a scorched earth approach to this issue, Kamala Harris, Springfield, and Aurora. I don’t think this ends until he gets called out about the “laugh”. He is pushing this harder and more viciously than anything before. We are all paying the price of laughing at Trump. Look at his face!!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

cf vance is a savage. a sub human. trump is the illegal to be concerned about.

get rid of both trump and cf vance.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Hopefully, someone will hire or have big-time lawyers working pro bono to hit JD & others with class action lawsuits due to his rhetoric for a billion dollars on behalf of the Haitians he keeps misaligning.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

America=guns, racism, apple pie and a lobotomy.

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Sorry, but I'm not seeing much apple pie. The rest, yes, way too much!

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Hard not to imagine this racist ignorance lingers whether these ignorant foul mouth dangerous people even know from the anti Haiti sentiments as it was the first country to over throw the shackles of slavery. Horrifying this is even an issue in 2024. Let's send these people home crying ASAP ..the ignkrsnt truly un American ones. They can stay on their ranches and fancy houses with their racist malarky and shut up and stop being reported on constantly too so humans with compassion empathy and brains can function while the spoiled adult children can make trouble alone in the corner

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8 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

MAGA is headed up by a person who afflicted by Narcissism along with a healthy helping of dementia. Donald Trump is getting more confusing as time goes by. During Trump’s presidency he made many promises however only tried to complete two promises. He gave his rich contributors tax breaks and built some southern walls to inhibit entry to the country from the south. The wall replaced existing walls plus about 15 miles at a tax payer cost of billions. Some people climbed over the wall; some cut through the wall and some drug dealers dig a tunnel under the wall.

The companies that got tax breaks didn’t provide new jobs, but bought back stock and provided higher bonuses for their C-suite executives.

As for the infrastructure builds, they never did anything but announce “infrastructure week” and found other things to do.

President Trump spent almost a year on the golf course. I believe is was over 286 days in a golf course which set a presidential record.

During Trump’s first three years, the National debt increased by 25% while the trade deficit widened about 20%. Then came the COVID virus which killed many more Americans than it should have. People were not informed by the executive office of the dangers and how to reduce the possibility of contracting the disease.

Trump told an interviewer after the fact that he didn’t want to cause a panic, I believe the reality was he didn’t want to have poor ratings so he could win in 2020.

Due to the Narcissistic tendencies, Trump will say or do anything to make you like him. If a narcissist has violence in his mind he will wine and dine you so that he gets your confidence and when you are reliant on him or her, he will change his mode to satisfy his wants and desires.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

What's hilarious is while he's spewing his racist BS to his sea of miscreants, the Haitians are busy working.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Total piece of shit in a bad suit

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8 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

They need to sue him or

Remove him or

Remove Both. People have had it.

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He’s a danger to the future of the country just like his boss.

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Um was Harris the President?

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