Mar 20Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

I really enjoyed your writing - especially in the About Me section in the AI comics. I used to live in the UK where law on prostitution is more relaxed, although regulated. Selling and buying sex is legal but running a brothel, pimping, or advertising it is illegal. I've moved to Thailand 4 years ago and everything to do with prostitution is illegal but I know more people who uses the service.

Having seen two different ends of the spectrum, the realities faced by those in the sex industry aren't going into prostitution as a choice made from a menu of equal options. It's a desperate measure in situations of financial dire straits, societal exclusion, or even coercion.

I've read that some workers have claimed to have autonomy and even empowerment in their sex work, but for others, it's a survival strategy amidst limited opportunities. I think we should reflect on the fact of how societies can address the root causes that compel individuals to sell their bodies.

Selling one's body to strangers can be profoundly soul-destroying. People are literally compromising their sense of self and integrity - often resulting in a deep sense of disconnection from one's own body and emotions.

With prostitution, you are literally treating one's body as a commodity to be bought and sold.

And from the consumer's side, I've seen those who frequent sex workers changed over time. Their sense of value on relationships becomes warped. Mistaking paid sex for companionship.

I guess I'm just ranting here. It's been bugging me for a long while since I started contemplating whether prostitution does good or more harm to society.

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Jun 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I see what you mean. I agree, and the same can be said for soul-sucking jobs.

>Selling one's body to strangers can be profoundly soul-destroying. People are literally compromising their sense of self and integrity - often resulting in a deep sense of disconnection from one's own body and emotions.

That could apply to some jobs I've had. If you feel that you need your next paycheck to survive, you're likely to put your self aside and say, "ok boss, whatever you say." Reminds me of the conversations in the Hunger Games about why they have the Hunger Games.

But this is also a constructed terrain. It doesn't have to be this way. I do not think many people would choose to go into sex work if the alternatives were more enticing. IMO it's primarily a financial decision. People in the profession do not appear genuinely happy.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

Well said. I agree. Take a look at the cartoon with the red car:


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Jun 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

There’s an entire class of extremely wealthy elites who make money from non productive activities. My friend just referred to them as the “rent-seeking class.”

Making money from arbitrage opportunities, deregulated “free” markets. Basically what we’ve now become.

William McKinley ran in opposition to this system, on a platform of Protectionism, and was murdered for it. It’s the profile picture for my Agenda47 publication. Reposting here

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Sep 16Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Right on!

To the largest extent these women did not chose this profession to fulfill a life long dream, they have a pimp, who collects the majority of the money they make, in return for "protection".

Young girls in Amsterdam can easily bring in $1k/day, $30k+/month, $360k a year... you do the math....

Plus: human trafficking may play a part..., drug usage (forced or voluntarily).... this is a very sensitive topic overall.

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Jun 23Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

I enjoyed this post. Ive been to Amsterdam. I curse but because I live in the USA I censor myself. Im a gynecologist and never learned about “sex” per se even in medical school. Had to educate myself. The policing of sex and women’s bodies is beyond all understanding and common sense.

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Jun 13Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

"So why are stool and poop "good" words, and shit is a "bad" word? Who decided that, and why am I bound by that decision?"

It dates back to when the Normans conquered England. The French/Latin based words for bodily things became the proper words while the Anglo-Saxon words became dirty. "Shit," as a word, has a healthy Anglo Saxon heritage. All our good swear words and obscenities are Anglo-Saxon in origin.

Even with food, the A-S word became the animal who the English peasants had to care for while the French word became the meat, which the new nobility got to eat. Deer/venison, cow/beef, pig/pork, sheep/mutton, etc.

Once a moral imperative is established it tends to be perpetuated... just because!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

>A-S word became the animal who the English peasants had to care for while the French word

>became the meat, which the new nobility got to eat. Deer/venison, cow/beef, pig/pork,

>sheep/mutton, etc.

Yeah, I saw a documentary about that. Fascinating!

The poor peasants who couldn't afford to eat meat had to raise the animals that the rich nobility got to eat. The poor Anglo-Saxon peasants called the animals by their Anglo-Saxon names, but the nobility spoke French, so they called the meat by its French name.

Weird quirk of the English language! In German we use the same word for the animal and its meat.

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Jun 13Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Same thing happened to other words. Nude/naked is an example.

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Jun 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

George Carlin said it best; “shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", and "tits". I miss him.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Me too! He was such an original mind. A philosopher who explained dark truths by joking about them. He's my hero!

I like to think that my book could be a George Carlin stand up monologue. That's why the actor who reads the audiobook is an older gentleman with a voice that reminds me of George Carlin. Especially in the later chapters, once he really gets into the role of the protagonist narrator, and he's having fun with it. I love his voice!

Listen to him, close your eyes, and imagine George Carlin is telling you a story. It kinda works, doesn't it?

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Jun 28Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Think for yourself. IF you can.

If you THINK you can.

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Aug 14Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Amazon: customer returns

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Aug 1Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

fuck is

a lovely word

any time of day

or night would be fine

if you say ok !

i noticed your hands

wake up ! & now

they have descended

Into fitful maneuvers

upon your lap

do not be offended

by what you think

is not a poem

i'd love to tell you

more of this

but i could not


the act !

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Jul 11Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Prostitution is legal in the State of Nevada. Also, the FCC was created in 1934, so I can guarantee that historically, censorship in US media was dominated by men, and may still be. Anyway, it's not the behemoth it once was.

I don't have strong feelings about legalizing prostitution. A benefit may be that regulation would protect sex workers from abuse and exploitation.

On the other hand, it's hard to believe that sex work is anyone's first choice of profession. If better education and employment opportunities were universally available, would we still see people choosing it?

I don't think that legalization will prevent sex trafficking or exploitation of children; I'd rather see effort put into that than having sex workers' income taxed by state and federal government.

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I’ve just saved it in my notes, where it is linked to chapter 1, and I will get back to you on this after July 20. Looking forward to the read actually I’m not tell you the truth I’d rather sell every minute that I’m there at the thing I’m working for my art.

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Speaking of how we use words, why are the people selling their bodies "girls" and not "women"?

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