Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

He disqualified himself as a candidate!

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

He disqualified himself as a human being.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

What is amazing is The headline is from “Fox News”, I did a double take look to see if I read that correctly. What a surprise they even reported this at all, with out adding the word lie to the sentence. Of course what chance is there it will do any good, as it is on the way to the ‘Not very “supreme” Court, ( the one Ditzy Donald, Packed with quite iffy, prejudiced in his favor “Justices,” the 34 count felon awaiting sentencing) thanks to their highly suspicious Rulings. Something smells of collusion between this court and the former President, to put it it in plain language.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Jack Smith is my hero (thanks to Merrick Garland for choosing him)!

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

If only he'd done it quicker

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

For the next month, whatever happens with the dock strike, in the Middle East, Ukraine, and at the border, “don’t change the subject” is the right response. Donald Trump is unqualified to be president and very dangerous for every American and the world. In addition to his rapes, frauds, anti healthcare, anti reproductive rights, pro Putin, document stealing, Project 2025, insurrection, he promises violence with his mass deportations and retribution. History has vivid examples of how this works for the countries with such leaders. Every citizen in Germany and the Soviet Union suffered under Hitler and Stalin.

“Don’t change the subject!!!!”

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Wow,they uttered a truth?

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

He'll probably get his pay docked.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

May he lose this election and face his punishment and spent the rest of his days away from politics , so much so he disappears.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

But that's the PROBLEM! Take trumputin out of the equation and you still have his racist, rabid followers to contend with. As I've always said, he is not the disease, but merely the symptom. The racism and misogyny that he represents must be done away with! Since those beliefs have been with us since the beginning, I forsee darkness ahead...

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Tcfg committed a crime to stay in office. Hell, No Sh*t, Sherlock.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Seeing Fox News report this gives me hope for my family that watches nothing else. I am forbidden from sending them anything political and we never talk politics.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Literally that’s all it would take. They listen to them.

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Oct 4Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

I honestly remember the first time I realized my sister trusted and believed faux news over me. It kind of shook me.

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy


Boy, are those guys going to be hating life...

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Go get him Jack ......arf arf ......throw him in a cage .....like a rabid bad dog .....and even that's nice . He should be put to sleep

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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Interesting! Even Faux News is bailing on Donnie Von Weirdly now…Fair and Balanced 😉

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Oct 4Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

RUSSIA x 70 is a cry for Putin to intervene/interfere. At this point, Vlad is going to be an Impaler and let DJT bleed. Wonder if JDV will be moved to the top of the ticket?

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Oct 4Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Have you caught wind of Nunes’ 2024 Cow?

“What a COW” … ProPublica has not seen the whistleblower complaint. But several people with knowledge of the company said the concerns revolve around alleged mismanagement by Nunes. One person said they include allegations of misuse of funds, hiring of foreign contractors and interfering with product development.


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Oct 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Hardened criminal

Only he matters.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

these comments have me in stitches!😂😂😔

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10 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy

He’s sublime in the craft of crime!

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Yes, yes. We all know this but who has the power and balls to do anything about it and stop the madness? The whole nation is stressed out over this crap. Oh Divine Angels of Justice, where art thou when we need you most?

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