Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Tim Walz is my idea of a perfect man! MAGA males are the worst.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I know lots of women who love Tim Walz including myself. Does anyone like Jesse? Really😳

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Sep 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

I say no.

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I dread as the months go by to hit the holiday season and hearing Jesse whine for at least a month about the Black Santa and Rainbow Elf sold at Target.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

How the Eff are you going to drink an "ice cream shake" WITHOUT a straw?!

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

I don’t get it. What is the straw thing about? Do they think it’s like a tiny penis in their mouths? Has anyone ever told them that that’s not how tiny most penises are? Probably just theirs…

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Ouch! My back hurts so much and laughing…. OW! That was funny! 😂

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Why is it when a toxic man starts talking about what masculinity really is, I always suspect him to be gay? Really, Watters? Your flailing arms and hand movements look like you’ve been practicing ballerina moves for quite a while.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

So far manly men have created wars around the globe, used violence against women and children to win, treat women as slaves, groom other toxic men, insert violence into society, support dictatorships, define other men as “gay” if the don’t contribute to overall manliness, increase gun ownership and murder, rape and pillage as they see fit.

What they don’t like to reveal is real emotions, feelings of failure, blaming everyone else for their failures, insecurities, mental issues and an internal smoking hate for “others. They profess they love their wives and children but domestic violence is rampant. Often the most dangerous place is a “home”.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

It does rather make one think twice, doesn't it?

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Sep 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

And that’s why Tim Walz is so popular. He defies all you mentioned!

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

"Women do not love Tim Walz"???? Is he high? Women LOVE Tim Walz. He's wonderful. He can drink his shake any way he wants lol.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

He is just envious.

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More MAGA projection. Watters is talking about women not liking him!

Well men too. And cats, dogs, farm animals, most mammals and even reptiles, even the ones he’s related to…

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Remember when Fox and the other wing-nut outlets tried to drum up a controversy about President Obama saluting a military member while holding a coffee cup? That was at least a two-day “scandal,” and they would have milked it for another week, but a picture surfaced of GW doing the exact same thing. Oops!

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Sep 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Jesse Watters is singularly responsible for lowering the IQ of his viewers at least 20 points.

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On a monthly basis

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It's a subscription thing that only happens if you forget to uncheck the box that says "20 IQ points will be deducted monthly."

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Sep 8Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Zero minus twenty is STILL zero. 😉

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Real men drink milkshakes with a sump pump forcing the drink down their throat.


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I laugh-snorted whilst reading this.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

To him. I label him a prepubescent little dweeb. Grow up. Show us you can talk about “big boy” issues.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Is Watters gay?

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

wah wah wahtters looks like a self hating gay man to me too.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

That's what I was thinking.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

He seems fixated with everybody’s masculinity or femininity and thinks he should decide who is able to say who gets hose labels according

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

I may have just read this & daydreamed about a couple of guys in the bottom two photos missing their mouths & getting a straw in the 👁️

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

This dull normal douchebag really proves that Faux Nooz hires only the best people…

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Sep 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Had a 7-11 Slurpie today with a straw. It even has a scoop on the end. Where are these “man rules” found? Should I google it? Is it a generational thing? Good thing I don’t watch Faux news.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

The Rethugs are just grasping at straws now.

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Sep 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Well, Jesse getting caught with an “unmanly” straw proves he really knows how to stick things in his mouth. Namely, his foot.

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