Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Anyone Else Notice that the Closer We Get To The Election…The Less Hair DonOld Has…? STRESS Does That! He Wants 2B President 4One Reason Only…TO AVOID PRISON! I’m Wondering If He Is Thinking Of Hitler’s-Way-Out? Trump Is Pure Coward…But Then Again, So Was Hitler.

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

He's a bully and therefore a COWARD! A weak man with no morals or beliefs, except for the racist, misogynist SHIT that comes out of every orifice, all the time! His followers are the same (sleep with evil, become evil). At least they self profile and wear a red target on their heads!

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Too much hair color for the cameras has fried his cartoon hair. He needs a deep conditioning treatment but that is the least of his worries.

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I am so profoundly sick and tired of trump and his low life bullying ways. He is an embarrassment to the USA. He gets way too much publicity for his outrageous comments., and spewing them by our MSM simply spreads the dirty lies. MSM, STOP doing this; cover is nonsense by NOT repeating verbatim his every ugly utterance. It sows more and more division. Why can't a headline be, " no new policies or programs presented by trump at his recent rally,"?

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

And it continues… every accusation is a confession

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Donnie boy, is stuck in Projection. Almost everything 99.9% of what he says about his opponents is a projection. They are blatantly obvious. A familiarity with his biography, makes them so obvious. Many go back to his early toddler years, when his mom had his youngest brother, she required an operation. Biographers have reported, she retreated from caring for the children and her family. Father Fred Sr. took up the primary parenting role, despite being a workaholic, but refused to reduce his work hours. 9 months after his brother was born, Donald was not even 3 years old. Not only was he displaced by a new baby, his mother had essentially, disappeared to be “replaced,” by an absentee businessman father who put making money 1st. Deprived of the normal needs for nurturing of a toddler, he began to associate “needing” with shame and hopelessness.”

To quote his oldest sister from one bio, “ Fred Sr. was to blame for Donald’s unruliness, claiming he could get away with murder. Poor Donald, he was always like this.” He’s been projecting the unmet needs of a desperate 2-3 yr old since then, it seems. That is no excuse, and dangerous and exceedingly harmful to others, even more so an entire nation and world when in Office of President.

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Dementia Donny gets too much press coverage for free. He openly uses Hitler’s rhetoric to convince people that they can’t trust the people who appear or speak different then you and since the Republican’s elected to office remain silent or show their agreement the people who elected those republicans believe that lie.

Propaganda works.

When I was stationed at the Air Force weapons lab, we had a great computer engineer who was a German immigrant married to a lady from Tennessee. Although his wife met his parents at their wedding in the states, he took her to Germany to see where he was bright up and meet some more relatives. While there his uncle brought out a recorded speech by Hitler’s propaganda minister recorded one week before the fall of Berlin. After hearing the speech in German, Heinz was almost convinced that Germany won the war, except he knew the dates and the WWII history.

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By the way, prior to Heinz headed to Germany, his Tennessee born wife took conversational German classes in an effort to understand his family members as well as converse with them. His mother loved that she made the effort and it was the only time any family members heard German with a Tennessee drawl.

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!


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7 hrs agoLiked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Trump is nothing but a coward. He never shows up on the front lines to fight. Just has a big mouth.

Thank you, Marcia.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Thank you, Oliver Markus Maloy.

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Oct 1Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Thank you, Kali Higgins. I hope others remember his rudeness too.

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I will always remember how Trump pushed A dignitary out of the way so that he could be in front of him at a gathering. AND WHO'S MENTALLY RETARDED?

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Usual Pot/Kettle hypocrisy from the Rethuglicans

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

When you think that he has got as grotesque as any person can possibly be, he gets even worse!

How can any one human have built up such hate, envy, rancour, biased opinions, wickedness and cruelty against ANYONE he perceives as challenging his exclusive authority or simply casting the slightest shadow over him.

He has now lost any of the characteristics of a clown, he is no longer funny. He is a vile and insulting monster.

That any person would be happy in his company, except for by pure and grasping ambition, is an insult to those who legitimately belong to humankind.

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy


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Oct 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

He also said, “She is dumb! She was born dumb!” Shockingly, someone so lacking in intellect himself! I have no idea, how she is doing so beautifully all that she has done in such a short length of time!! She is brilliant!!

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Sep 30Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

We are only allowed to have one president at a time. Kamilla doesn’t have any power to do anything as Vice President She can only watch and give advice. Jie doesn’t have to listen to her and it would be very disrespect of her to criticize him in public.

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That & outright stealing. Stazi Snitch even tried to back peddle after getting busted for thieving data … AGAIN ☎️ … but only after he read that he committed data intrusion to thieve another person’s intellectual property (not mine). Old Stanky gonna get his nasty wig sued and I’ll take back my stolen TRILLION$ 💰

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