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Orange Hitler falsely claims Democrats execute babies after they're born.

Trump learned lying from Hitler. Fascists use lies as a weapon, to demonize their opponents and incite hate and violence.

Every word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie.

MAGA is Team Evil, and they know it.

That’s why they think lying is ok. MAGA dumbfucks have fully embraced the Dark Side.

Christofascist MAGA Nazis claim to be Christians, but they couldn’t care less that lying is against the Ten Commandments:

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”


Trump is going straight to hell, like all evil people.

Or maybe that’s where he came from, considering Satan is known as the Father of Lies:

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

John 8:44

Trump’s Nazi minions know the truth is not on their side. That’s why they need to lie.

They know that if they had the truth on their side, they’d be the good guys, and Trump wouldn’t need to lie with every breath he takes.

And they’re perfectly ok with that, because to the MAGA Nazis, it was never about doing the right thing.

The MAGA Nazi in the video below is in charge of making fascist propaganda memes and videos for Trump. In this podcast video he is big mad because some of his listeners dared to point out that he keeps spreading toxic disinformation and making up hateful lies about Democrats:

Trump and his Nazi henchmen know that Trump lost the 2020 election, but they continue to lie about it anyway, to destroy American democracy and make Trump a dictator with unlimited power to kill his political opponents.

Trump and his MAGA Nazis lie about everything all the time, because that’s how they hope to win.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims Democratic states are passing laws allowing people to execute babies after birth.


Trump makes false claim about 'execution' of babies after birth.

Sky News

Trump made false claims about 'late-term abortion' during the debate, experts say.

NBC News

Trump repeats a false claim that doctors ‘execute’ newborns.

New York Times

An egg is not a chicken, and a fetus is not a baby.


With the help of an army of Russian disinformation trolls, anti-American MAGA Nazis are spreading an endless list of lies to character-assassinate and demonize Biden.

One of those MAGA lies claims that Biden is responsible for the Iraq war.

Of course that’s complete bullshit. It was a Republican president, with almost unanimous Republican support, who started the Iraq war. Not Biden.

And the same lying MAGA Republicans who now claim to hate George W Bush and the Iraq war, eagerly re-elected Bush after he invaded Iraq and after the Abu-Ghraib torture scandal went public.

Republicans couldn’t care less that a Republican president lied to start a war, killed over half a million Iraqis, and tortured people to death.

How very Christian!

Here’s a video that explains how Republicans used lies to fool America and start the Iraq war:

Ironically, one of the lies the Republicans used to fool Americans into supporting the war, was a lie about baby killing:

The news of the slaughter had come at a key moment in the deliberations about whether the US would invade Iraq. Those who watched the non-stop debates on TV saw that many of those who had previously wavered on the issue had been turned into warriors by this shocking incident.

Too bad it never happened. The babies in the incubator story is a classic example of how easy it is for the public and legislators to be mislead during moments of high tension. It's also a vivid example of how the media can be manipulated if we do not keep our guards up.

Christian Science Monitor

Take a wild guess where Republicans got the idea to incite rage, hate, and murderous bloodlust by falsely accusing their victims of hurting children and killing babies:

“The frailest woman will become a heroine when the life of her own child is at stake.

And only the will to save the race and native land, which offers protection to the race, has in all ages been the urge which has forced men to face the weapons of their enemies.”

Adolf Hitler

Never trust a Republican.

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